The Buddhapad from Rejang Lebong (Telapak Kaki Buddha dari desa Seguring, Rejang Lebong)

Dear friend, I believe many of you dont know if the Bhuddistic influence is come to Rejang land in long-long time ago. With historian, this is still controversi the Bhuddapad come from Sriwijaya or Majapahit era. Let take a look the evidence have found in Rejang land below.
Buddhapad from Rejang Lebong Regency, Rejang Land
A reminder bhuddistic influences in the Ulu Musi Area, This come from an old village site, Seguring, near Curup town, Bengkulu Province.
[telapak+kaki+budhua+rejan+lebong.jpg] Sahabat, saya yakin banyak yang tidak tahu bila pengaruh agama budha telah sejak lama masuk ke Tanah Rejang. Bukti sejarah ini masih menjadi perdebatan apakah berasal dari jama kerajaan sriwijaya atau majapahit atau di era lainnya. Betu telapak kaki Buddha inilah sebagai buktinya. Reference : Early Polities in Southern Sumatra: Some Preliminary Observations Based on Archaeological Evidence Author E. Edwards McKinnon Source :
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Item Reviewed: The Buddhapad from Rejang Lebong (Telapak Kaki Buddha dari desa Seguring, Rejang Lebong) Rating: 5 Reviewed By: CURUPKAMI

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