Curup Kami : Cylindrolobus neglectus (Ridl.) J.J.Wood,2016

Base on the information book "Orchid of Sumatra, page 461", this orchid only recorded from the Lingga archipelago, southeast of Singapore, so that means this is a new record that Cylindrolobus neglectus occurred in mainland Sumatra

Rhizomes long creeping, many time branching, slender, bearing stem at intervals of few centimeters, Stem erect, terete basally, swollen and flattened higher up, covered with brown sheats, to about 15 cm tall, bearing two leaves near to apex, Leaves lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, about 8 x 1.9 cm.


  • Flowers appearing singly near the stem apices held on short pedicels; floral bracts about 9 mm long;
  • Sepals lanceolate, 1.5 cm long by 5.8 mm broad, the laterals much broader basally;
  • Petals linear, 1.3 cm long by 3 mm broad, as with the sepals white tinted rose;
  • Lip trilobed, when spread out 1.28 cm long by 1.3 cm broad across the side lobes, the side lobes narrowly triangular, obtuse, the mid-lobe near;y circular from a narrow base, its margin undulate, keels three, the middle one extending from the base to the apex, taller on the mid-lobe and undulate, those on each side extending from the base to just on to the mid-lobe, taller near their apices;
  • Column 7.5 mm long, somewhat arching, its foot held at right angles


Name Overview
Cylindrolobus neglectus (Ridl.) J.J.Wood, Malesian Orchid J. 17: 132 (2016).

Distribution: Thailand to W. Malesia 41 THA 42 BOR MLY SUM

Lifeform: Epiphyte

Family: Orchidaceae

Original Compiler: R.Govaerts

Homotypic Names:
  • Eria neglecta Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 31: 283 (1896). (Basionym/Replaced Synonym)
  • Trichosma neglectum (Ridl.) Rauschert, Feddes Repert. 94: 470 (1983).
This name is Accepted by:
  • Govaerts, R. (2019). World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP Database). The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

  • this specimen collected from Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
  • Base on the information book "Orchid of Sumatra, page 461", this orchid only recorded from the Lingga archipelago, southeast of Singapore, so that means this is a new record that Cylindrolobus neglectus occurred in mainland Sumatra.
  • Base on the information book "Orchid of Sumatra, page 461" Ridley noted that this has been confused with E. nutans Lindll., but it is much smaller, the stems are more numerous and the pedicels are erect rather than nodding, the lips side lobes are much narrower and the mid-lobe is a different shape 
*( Orchid of Sumatra, JB.Comber)

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Item Reviewed: Curup Kami : Cylindrolobus neglectus (Ridl.) J.J.Wood,2016 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: CURUPKAMI

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