Flora : Lily Leaf Acriopsis or Acriopsis Liliifolia from Rejang Land Sumatra

Lily Leaf Acriopsis or Acriopsis liliifolia with small to medium sized epiphyte, clustered, ovoid, 5-7 noded pseudobulbs and carries 3-4 apical, coriaceous, linear, obtuse leaves, 13 to 18 cm.

Flower Size 1/2" [1.25 cm]

Moderate shade and humidity as well as hot to warm conditions are required with a dry period when not growing and then ample water while in growth to have this epiphytic orchid bloom in the spring and summer on a basal, 22" [25 cm] long, erect, paniculate inflorescence with many [to 200] flowers arising basally with basal sheaths where it is found in Thailand, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Northern Australia and the Philippines from sealevel to under 1600 meters in altitude in lowland swamps and montane forests as well as semi-deciduous and deciduous dry lowland forests at elevations of sealevel to 700 meters. This small to medium sized epiphyte has small, clustered, ovoid, 5 to 7 noded pseudobulbs and carries 3 to 4 apical, coriaceous, linear, obtuse leaves and has a symbiotic relationship with ants.

Synonyms Acriopsis annamica Finet 1911; Acriopsis crispa Griff.; Acriopsis floribunda Ames 1920; Acriopsis griffithii Rchb. f. 1854; Acriopsis harae Tuyama 1964; Acriopsis insulari-silvatica Fukuy. 1938; !Acriopsis javanica Reinw. ex Blume 1823; Acriopsis javanica var. auriculata Minderh. & de Vogel 1986; Acriopsis javanica var. floribunda (Ames) Minderh. & de Vogel 1986; Acriopsis liliifolia var. auriculata (Minderh. & de Vogel) J.J.Wood 2001 ; Acriopsis picta Lindl. 1843; Acriopsis nelsoniana F.M. Bailey 1883; Acriopsis papuana Kraenzl. ex K. Schum. & Lauterb. 1905; Acriopsis philippinensis Ames 1908; Acriopsis picta Lindl. 1843; Acriopsis sumatrana Schltr. 1900; *Epidendrum liliifolium Koenig 1791; Spathoglottis trivalvis Lindl. 1828

Scientific classification
Species:A.  Liliifolia

Identification credit: Tun Jang (http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com)
Image Location : Teladan Village, South Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency
References :
  1. http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Lily%20Leaf%20Acriopsis.html
  2. http://www.orchidspecies.com/acriojavanica.htm
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acriopsis
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Item Reviewed: Flora : Lily Leaf Acriopsis or Acriopsis Liliifolia from Rejang Land Sumatra Rating: 5 Reviewed By: CURUPKAMI

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