Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Athropoda |
Class: | Insecta |
Order: | Coleoptera |
Family: | Buprestidae |
Genus: Species: | Chrysochroa Chrysochroa Fulminans.sp |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Athropoda |
Class: | Insecta |
Order: | Coleoptera |
Family: | Buprestidae |
Genus: Species: | Chrysochroa Chrysochroa Fulminans.sp |
Rhizome long-creping, branching much time, to 45 cm long and about 5.5...
Stem 1-1.5 m long by about 7 mm in diameter, many placed together on t...
Plant erect and spreding, to 1 m tall, the many stem not branched, pen...
Base on the information book "Orchid of Sumatra, page 461", this orchi...
Bulbophyllum phaeanthum SchltrBinominal name: Bulbophyllum phaean...
AcanthophippiumThe genus was established by C.L Blume in 1825; since t...
Homotypic Synonyms: Dendrobium pumilum Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832, ...
Homotypic Synonyms: Dendrobiu...
Chroniochilus thrixspermoides (Schltr.) Garay, 1972J.J Smith proposed ...
J.J Smith proposed the name in 1905 for the one species found in Java;...
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