Butterfly : Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land

Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land


The fore wings are black. At the outer edge there is a chain of yellow spots. Next to the body there are four chains of little yellow spots. There are some other yellow spots at the rest of wing. The underside of Papilio demoleus is very similar to the upside. Next to the body there are four yellow lines.

The hind wings of Papilio demoleus are black. The edge is wavy. Next to the body the wing is spotted by yellow scales. The wing is dominated by a broad, yellow band. This band contains a big eye. At the outer edge there are five yellow spots. At the inner edge there is a red eye-spot. The underside is similar to the upside. But all yellow marks are bigger than the marks on the upside. Next to the body there is a yellow area with black lines. In the middle of the wing there are blue and orange spots.

The body is black, but the underside is yellow.

Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land
Caterpillar Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land
As the name indicates, the larval food plant is the lime tree and a wide variety of Citrus. In areas where Citrus species are cultivated they are regarded as pests.
Caterpillar Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land
Caterpillar Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land
  • Kingdom: ANIMALIA
  • Phylum: ARTHROPODA
  • Class: INSECTA
  • Suborder: DITRYSIA
  • Superfamily: PAPILIONOIDAE
  • Subfamily: PAPILIONINAE
  • Genus: PAPILIO
  • Specific name: Papilio demoleus malayanus
Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land
Image Location : Talang Rimbo Baru Village, Middle Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency References
  1. http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/papilionidae/papilioninae/papilio/index.html
  2. http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/chinfahshin/history/lime.html
  3. http://en.butterflycorner.net/Papilio-demoleus-Lime-Butterfly-Citrus-Schwalbenschwanz.997.0.html
  4. http://yutaka.it-n.jp/pap/10250010.html
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Item Reviewed: Butterfly : Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly) from Rejang Land Rating: 5 Reviewed By: CURUPKAMI

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