This old building was built with earthquake resistant construction. Appear in the bulkhead wall buildings with wood-divider, the divider as he said this building more earthquake resistant than wood without the divider. Now in Curup and the surrounding buildings are rarely built with a construction like this. Hall is located on Kartini Road, Curup. GOW stands for Combined Women's Organization. Although many buildings have been meeting in Curup. GOW building is still often used. Curup Electricity connection depot is located in Sukaraja . Built at the time of Dutch colonialism. There are any posts "Tjoeroep" on the front wall of this building. Not many old buildings in Curup, for example, the remaining curup telecomunication ( Telkom ) buildings . Had restored an 80 years old, the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications and again that Mr. Susilo Sudarman, prohibit remodel this old building. The building is made at the time of Dutch colonialism. source ;
Kali draup waterfall located at Talang Rimbo Lama Village,South Curup District or called BTN waterfall or Batam Waterfall because located near the BTN...
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