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    Burung Selayak

    ASIAN FAIRY BLUEBIRD (Irena puella)

    Burung Selayak nama lokalnya, masih sering di jumpai di hutan-hutan di kabupaten rejang lebong, da burung ini juga sering dipelihara oleh masyarakat,dikarenakan memiliki kicau yang bagus,untuk membedakan mana yang penjantan dengan betina sangat mudah, hanya di lihat dari warna bulunya saja,untuk yang jantan memiliki warna biru yang terang dan jelas, sedangkan yang betina warna birunya tidak jelas atau mempunyai bulu berwarna hijau kebiruan

    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Aves
    Order: Passeriformes
    Family: Irenidae
    Genus: Irena
    Species: I. puella
    Binomial name
    Irena puella Latham, 1790

    Physical characteristics: The Asian fairy bluebird has a sturdy build, with a length of 10 inches, (25 centimeters), and a weight of 2.5 ounces (75 grams). The male has black under parts, wings, and tail, with ultramarine blue upperparts and feathers under the tail. Females are dark turquoise-blue all over with black flight feathers. Both male and female have red eyes.

    Geographic range: The Asian fairy bluebird can be found on the coast of southern India, in the eastern Himalayas, Myanmar, Yunnan, Indochina, Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and the western Philippine island of Palawan.

    Habitat: Asian fairy bluebirds can be found living primarily in primary and tall secondary forests.

    Diet: Asian fairy bluebirds are omnivores, eating insects and nectar. Their primary source of food is fruit, especially preferring figs.

    Behavior and reproduction: These birds can be found in flocks of up to thirty birds, and dwell mostly in the upper parts of the forest. They will bathe in streams, only to return to ascend again, returning to the higher locations. Asian fairy bluebirds are known for their melodious whistle.

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