today was held the celebration 129 th anniversary of curup town,this event was held for two weeks from may, 14 up to May 29 , 2009,the various exhibitions and cultural activities can be seen in the setia negara field.during the event also held various cultural rejang competitions.the event opened by the regent of Rejang lebong regency.before the opening cultural event, first performed the traditional dress parade followed by the 15 districts and institutions in the Rejang lebong regency.

Kapur sirih relegation from anok sangei
Opening dance of rejangese, present for opening Curup town 129th anniversary
Eastern Curup district contingent traditional dress carnaval

Punjung masak(
Fresh oven punjung) with ibet
Waiting for chief of Rejang Lebong regency coming for open ceremoney
Performance traditional martial art of rejangese
Traditional dress carnaval, health departement contingent

big punjung with consisting of 1500 ibets

anok sangei(
Rejang lady`s (semulen jang), wear rejang dress in ceremony)
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