Chroniochilus J.J.Sm.

Chroniochilus thrixspermoides (Schltr.) Garay, 1972

J.J Smith proposed the genus in 1918, basing it on one species from java which Blume had much earlier placed in Dendrocolla. Later taxonomist added another three species which had previously been placed in genus Sarcochilus. 
  • Plant small, the stems short with few leaves.
  • Sepal and petal similar, the lateral sepals decurrent along the column foot, inside sparsely bristly hairy.
  • Lip placed elastically on the column foot, broadly clawed, more or less trilobed, without a spur, the side lobes conspicuous, with callus between them. the mid lobe very fleshy, almost imitating a spur, without a proper blade.
  • Column quite long, with a conspicuous, free foot; pollinia two, subglobose, the stipes oblong.
Only four species are known; Thailand has one of them, Peninsular Malaysia has three (one endemic), Java has only one, Borneo has three, Sumatra has two, one of them is endemic.

Sumatra species :
  1. C. virescens
  2. C thrixspermoides (endemic)

Source: Orchid of Sumatra (J.B.Comber)

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