Plant : Zingiber inflexum Blume From Rejang Land Sumatra

Zingiber inflexum Blume belong zingiber genus, this is a picture i found at elevation 700 above sea level in Rejang Lebong Regency, many kind of this zingiber grow in this land with a variety of colors shapes and sizes. Before in report this is native to java, and now we can show evidence if this is also native to sumatra, with help of my friend Tun Jang and his friend ( Ida Theilade Member of IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) on threatened trees ). now i can tell you all if this is Zingiber inflexum Blume.

Scientific classification
Species:Z. inflexum

Image Location : Talang Rimbo Lama Village, Middle Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency

References :
  1. Photo idenify by Ida Theilade Member of IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) on threatened trees and thank to Tun Jang

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