Info : The sixth road show of health and family planning services in Rejang Lebong Regency

The sixth road show of health and family planning services

Rejang Lebong Regency returns to social service activities conducted by the health department, the PKK team, and other related departments. At this moment this activity is focusing on the 3 districts ( Sindang Kelingi, Binduriang, and Padang Ulak Tanding ) with 21 villages in Rejang Lebong Regency.

This activity is being followed by 300 health workers from 21 health centers in Rejang Lebong also from the District Health Office and district PKK team. They consist of doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health personnel, who help each other to help provide free health services to the people who need them.

The sixth road show of health and family planning services
like the previous activities, this activity aims to keep health services quickly and cheaply to people who need health services, including in basic health services, family planning services and counseling, health education to the community.

The sixth road show of health and family planning services

The sixth road show of health and family planning services

These activities are expected to suppress maternal mortality and child as well as accelerate the formation of Desa Siaga in Rejang Lebong.

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