Depati Krio Tandan (Puyang Ramayon) Cemetery Site Situs Makam Depati Krio Tandan

Located not far away from Rhino Stone, the Depati Krio Tandan cemetery located at Lawang Agung Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu District, Rejang lebong regency, Rejang Land, Bengkulu province, Indonesia. The position at latitude UTM 48 0254038 9616703 with elevation 502 meters above from level sea.

This cemetery part of Kutei Giri Site (Situs Kutei Giri). The archoelogist say Kutei meaning as a fort made from land. The ruin Kutei Giri still can view at Northeast area cemetery. In outer ring cemetery still can found a species bamboo with fully spine to force the bunker.
Makam Krio Tandan berada di dalam “kutei” (benteng tanah) yang sampai sekarang masih bisa dilihat sisanya di bagian timur laut. Di luar benteng tanah ini masih ditemukan rumpun bambu duri yang digunakan untuk memperkuat pertahanan benteng.
Secretary Lawang Agung village Mr. Zairin with Depati Krio Tandan gravestone
This cemetery have two gravestones as we see at photo. The highest and large one sloping to the north. This graves stone believe by many person nearby as a measure human power if he/she possible to be leader in future. The way is easy to measure, we just stand up beside the gravestone, and start to measure, who the highest? If the person highet or as same as height with the gravestone, thats possible in future this person will be a leader, may be tobe head of government or some thing kind of it. Makam ini terdiri dari dua batu nisan. Yang besar agak condong menghadap ke arah utara. Nisan yang besar ini di percaya punya kekuatan untuk mengukur layaknya seorang jadi pemimpin di masa depan atau tidak. Caranya hanya dengan berdiri di samping batu nisan tersebut, dan perhatikan apakah orang yang berdiri tersebut lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. Bila sama atau lebih tinggi dari nisan kemungkinan di masa depan orang tersebut bisa jadi pemimpin, mungkin camat, bupati, kepala desa, dsb nya. Percaya tak percaya, banyak orang yang bertubuh tinggi tak bisa menyamai tinggibatu nisan ini, tapi yang punya postur sedang dan biasa justru ada yang sama tinggi. Suatu keajaiban yang banyak di percaya masyarakat rejang lembak disini dan suku suku sekitarnya. Believed or not, some time, a person with highest one, still shorter than this gravestone, but the person with average, look like as same as height with this gravestone, eventhough this seldom heaven. So thats way many rich person come to here and try to measure his possibility in future to be a leader or not. Believe it or not it is still heaven today, many person come to this site.(Oral source : Mr Jamal, 26-07-09) Tempat ini juga jadi tempat membayar nazar, saat admin ke sini, banyak sekali tempat bekas sesaji, dan bekas penziarah memotong kambing atau ayam sebagai pembayar nazar setelah niat terkabul.
Mr. Jamal tell us about believing magically of Depati Krio Tandan gravestone
For today this site often visit by pilgrims espcially Rejangese of lembak and other etniq nearby. They believe abaou the magically power, and place as pay vow. Often Rooster and goat, etc butcher here , as pay pow after their request fulfill.
Our guide, Mr. Ridwan, Secretary Lawang Agung Village (Mr. Zairin) and Mr. Jamal.
Depati Krio Tandan Cemetery Site
Depati Krio Tandan Cemetry Site
thank to : tun jang

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